Kodandarami Reddy Street, Governorpeta, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. 24/7 Emergency Services 8 39 49 59 108 Email: hospitalunion869@gmail.com

Anesthesiology & Critical care Hospital in Vijayawada

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Anesthesiology and Critical care Hospital in Vijayawada

The Anesthesiology and Critical Care department at Union Hospitals is known to be one of the Best emergency services available in Vijayawada with a long history of excellence in patient care. The vigilant care does not end with the challenging anesthesia management during actual critical care surgical procedures. The Anesthesiology experts collaborate with the doctors from other faculties to optimize the patient preoperatively, as well as post operatively. 

The Anesthesiology & Critical Care service takes primary responsibility for the surgical intensive care unit. The goal is to provide the most effective and immediate care to patients with urgent surgical needs. The Anesthesiologists here are trained in a variety of clinical sub-specialties including critical care medicine, pediatrics, congenital heart anesthesiology, neuro-anesthesiology, obstetric anesthesiology.

The department of Critical Care is equipped with state- of-the-art resources to complement the dedicated and expert team of consultants. The department is fitted with advanced bed units capable of handling critically ill patients requiring unmatched care and sterile environment to minimize infections. The technological specifications of the equipment are on par with the best. The in-house specialist doctors are available 24x7 so that critical ill patients are taken care of immediately.


GENERAL ANAESTHESIA : General anaesthesia is a medicine that is administered intravenously (IV) or through a tube or mask. It is performed by an anesthesiologist. Under general anaesthesia patients are unable to feel pain (analgesic) and will be unconscious. It is commonly used for major operations during surgery. A person may also experience amnesia temporarily following the anesthetic.

SEDATION : Sedation is a medical technique which is used to calm a person before a procedure. It involves giving sedative drugs through IV lines. These drugs ease discomfort, pain and anxiety. It depresses a patient’s awareness of the environment and reduces his or her responsiveness to external stimulation.

REGIONAL ANAESTHESIA: Regional Anaesthesia consists of infiltrating a peripheral nerve with an anesthetic agent and blocking transmission to avoid or relieve pain.  It blocks sensations of pain from a large area of a body that requires surgery.

LOCAL ANAESTHESIA : Local Anaesthesia prevents pain during medical procedures by numbing a specific part of the body. Its effects are short-lived

Team Members

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Jayakrishna Kadiyala
MS ORTHO: FIJR Joint Replacement, Arthroscopy surgeon
Dr. A Mohan
MS., M.Ch(Plastic Surgery) Plastic Surgery
Dr. Bhargav Bhimavarapu
MD., DM(Nephrology) Consultant Nephrologist
Dr. Bhargav
MS(ENT) Consultant ENT Surgeon