Best ENT Specialist in Vijayawada
Ear Nose and Throat department at Union Hospitals is renowned for its Best ENT doctors in Vijayawada with extensive experience in children and adults ENT surgeries, Rhinoplasty and Thyroid Surgery. Sight and hearing are two of the most crucial senses. Unfortunately both these senses begin to decline in many people at the same stage in life. These senses also function in concert with one another.
Conditions that affect the Ear, Nose and Throat can impact the quality of life. From chronic sinus infections to balance problems and voice disorder the ENT specialists at Union Hospitals have the knowledge to diagnose and treat the condition relating to hearing, smell and taste. Years of working in the specific field of ENT gives them immense experience in delivering desired results. From children to adults every patient who is affected by seasonal allergies or asthma is treated with customized plans that meets the needs and situation.
Surgeons, audiologists, biomedial engineers, speech pathologists and psychologists collaborate to deliver the best possible multi disciplinary care to pediatric and adult ear, nose and throat patients. The specialists who are renowned for their expertise use the latest technologies to provide superior care and best outcomes. It is one of the Best ENT Centers in Vijayawda for all hearing loss conditions, evaluations and treatments. The hospital also promote comprehensive transitional rehabilitation programs to get the patients back to their normal health.
Hearing Impairment.
Ear drum perforations.
Blocked ears (wax).
Reconstruction of ear canal.
Cholesteatoma Surgery.
Difficulty in breathing.
Loss of smell.
Runny Nose.
Treatment of internal nasal deformities.
Sleep disorders (snoring).
Treatment of sore throats.
Tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsilitis.
Voice disorders.
Eating disabilities like difficulty with swallowing.
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