Best Orthopedic Hospital in Vijayawada
Union Hospital provides evidence-based, patient-centered treatments that are both effective and affordable and hence is famous as the Best Orthopedic Hospital in Vijayawada. A team of surgical and medical experts work together to develop the best treatment strategies. The sub-specialties within the department of Orthopedic Surgery include Arthroscopy Sports Medicine, Joint Replacements, and Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery. Trauma surgery includes pelvi-acetabular surgery, hand surgery, and minimally invasive surgery by the Best orthopedic hospital in Vijayawada.
Expert healthcare is delivered by utilizing the most advanced orthopedic therapies and surgical techniques. Sophisticated and advanced surgical operations are conducted using best-in-class technology and dedicated operation theatres for arthroplasty and joint replacement surgery. Our goal is to help every patient regain an active lifestyle and get back to being fit at the earliest.
Working with Patients’ injuries and medical conditions our doctors integrate all aspects of specialized Orthopedic care by collectively combining their knowledge, experience and expertise.
As with all things in healthcare, technology has led to transformation in surgical techniques, better instruments and more durable implant materials. Robotic technology in Orthopedics has brought about breakthroughs in minimally invasive surgery where precise results are possible with complete planning and actual surgery still in the hands of the surgeons.
Technological advancements have made knee replacements more desirable, particularly because many patients are home the next day or the same day as their procedure. Also because technology has made surgeries more safe, effective and cost effective.
Dr Jayakrishna Kadiyala our Chief Orthopedist is well known as a knee and Joint replacement surgeon in Vijayawada. In addition, our orthopedic specialists are assisted by a team of skilled physiotherapists who help in rapid recovery.
Arthroscopy–A telescope is used to perform a minimally invasive endoscopic surgical operation on a joint, which is typically done on the knee, ankle, elbow, wrist, and other joints.
Arthroplasty – A joint reconstruction or replacement is a surgical procedure that involves the rebuilding or replacement of a joint.
Ligament Reconstruction – A graft was used to restore a damaged ligament.
Sports Medicine – Injuries caused by sports can be treated in a variety of ways.
Pediatric Orthopedics – Children with orthopaedic problems are treated.
Trauma – Accidents involving high and low energy, as well as injuries to the hip, shoulder, and limbs.
Dynamic Pin Fixator –a one-of-a-kind fixator used to treat lenthaong, infection, and complicated fractures in the limbs.
Orthopaedic Emergencies.
Pelvi-Acetabular Reconstruction (PAR) is a procedure used to repair severe hip and pelvic injuries.
Joint replacement and reconstruction.
24 Hour trauma care dealing with all kinds of complex injuries such as crush injuries and Ilizarov reconstruction.
Spine, PIVD, spondylolisthesis, spondylosis, verterbral compression fracture, degenerative and other arthropathies
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